22 Eylül 2015 Salı

Yanyalı değerli dostum STERGIOS NASTOPOULOS Hamidiye hastahanesi hakkında sorduğum bir soruya aşağıdaki cevabı verdi, paylaşıyorum:

Değerli dostuma şu soruyu sormuştum:
Şimdilerde Hotel Grand Serail'in bulunduğu yerde eskiden Hamidiye Hastahanesi mi vardı?
Cevabını paylaşıyorum:

Hello dear friend. I think it is the Ottoman Hospital "Hamidiye", at a nearby place. Not exactly in the same place. This hospital is a municipal building now. Here is a Google translation about hospital's history by Mr. Anastassios Papastavrou, ex-Mayer
The translation: "When in 1885 was placed vali sanjak of Epirus and Albania the Chivzi Pasha Yianniotis descent, epoch for the impartial character and philanthropic feelings, found a serious lack of medical care in the region. He called it the Polish Engineer of vilayet, and commissioned to draft the hospital complex plans that would include the following parts: a pathological, surgical, gynecological, sexually transmitted diseases, infirmary and other facilities. When the hospital opened, it had a capacity of 80 beds. Surrounding buildings were planted ornamental plants transferred from Monastir (Bitola), along with 100 couples turtle doves , for whose protection Chivzi Pasha issued strict orders. The Municipal Hospital, which was next to Xenia (Grand Serai) Hotel, until the liberation (1913), was called Hamidiye after the Sultan Abdul Hamid Khan."
Sigmund Mineiko was the name of the engineer, who was the grand grand father of George Papandreou, the ex-minister, who had married the daughter of Spyridon Manaris, teacher of Mathematics and Headmaster of the famous Zosimea School. 

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